Replace face parts Funny eyes, noses, crazy hairdos, tattoos, scary scars and more
Automatic face-changing Choose from a wide selection of morph effects including alien, fat, skinny, and many more. Smudge to reshape the face.
Instant replay Automatically creates a video of how your image was transformed. You
can share the video on Youtube, Facebook, Whatsapp, email or any other
app that supports video attachment.
Fuse the photo with a
different background, put yourself on the beach, on the moon, use many
other pre-supplied backgrounds, or use your own
Stickers Over 600 stickers for any occasion on any subject.
Import photos from your camera gallery, Facebook, Instagram or find them on the web using image search
Packed with features Add text or draw on top of the photo, add makeup, add stickers, use the clone tool and so much more
Share with friend the image or the video
Fun, easy to use, simple to lean and share.
It's ridiculous, but it's oh so entertaining !
22 ottobre 2016
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
3.0 o versioni successive
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