[ANDROID] Relax: Stress & Anxiety Relief v4.9 Build 30 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 12.05.2016, 08:37
Viste: 809
Commenti: 1
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Allevia lo stress in modo rapido ed efficace in soli 5 minuti !!
** Voted Top Mind & Body App of 2014 by leading doctors **

Effective and rapid stress relief in 5 minutes.

De-stress with our guided breathing and meditation exercises that use calming music to promote relaxation. It’s an ideal stress management tool, being simple and intuitive.

Finding time to relax can be very difficult for most people. Our app can be easily integrated into your daily life. Relax by Saagara enhances the way you feel and leaves you with more energy, stamina, and focus. The more you use it, the better and more effective the results.

Practicing slow breathing is not as easy as it seems. Relax guides you with the following features:

- It does counting for you so that you can focus on awareness and technique.
- Music cues that use distinct tones for each phase of breathing.
- A structured course that gradually reduces your breathing rate as you progress through the sessions.
- Guided meditation features an 8 to 12 minute session that focuses on different parts of the body.
- Beautiful graphics
- Quick start feature

Practicing deep breathing for only 5 minutes a day can reduce stress and stress-related illnesses. Practicing deep breathing has the following benefits:

1) Has an almost immediate relaxing effect.
2) Improves focus and reduces anxiety.
3) Lowers blood pressure and heart rate naturally.
4) Improves stamina and fitness by optimizing the usage of your lung capacity.
5) Works as a sleep aid for people affected with Insomnia.
6) Helps in pain management.
7) Helps in managing Headaches and Migraines.


11 aprile 2016
Versione corrente
4.9 Build 30
È necessario Android
3.1 e superiori


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  1. | Pubblicato 27 Maggio 2016 14:54

    link finto, non va.

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