[ANDROID] SkySafari 5 Pro v5.1.3.1 Patched_By_DFoX_e_Biondo79 .apk - ENG
data: – 29.12.2016, 23:18
Viste: 1 954
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Skysafari 5 Pro, la miglior App di astronomia !!
Skysafari 5 Pro è la miglior App di astronomia. Ha il database più grande di qualsiasi altra applicazione di astronomia, include ogni oggetto del sistema solare che sia stato mai scoperto e offre un controllo del telescopio impeccabile. Ecco cosa c'è di nuovo in questa versione:
Ecco cosa c'è di nuovo in questa versione:
1) Complete rewrite of the compass code, for smoother and more accurate sky tracking!
2) Tonight at a Glance: the Sun, Moon, Planets, ISS, and Iridium flares in one handy view!
3) Notifications when the ISS will pass overhead, when Iridium satellites flare, and more!
4) Completely new sounds, and a new look to the sky and horizon. Better transitions between portrait and landscape mode.
5) OpenGL boost! New 3D models of the ISS, HST, Phobos, Deimos, Ceres, Vesta, and other solar system objects and spacecraft. City lights on Earth's night side. Improved higher-res Mars map.
6) Object lists in the Search menu now show thumbnail images. New options in Advanced Search.
7) Updated object descriptions, with images in-line! Every object now has a description!
8) Reworked Time Flow controls. Set the date and time directly from the main toolbar. Run time 1000 x faster than reality!
9) Google Drive sync for your settings and observing lists! Change them on one device, and synchronize your changes across all your Android and iOS devices!
10) An on-line repository of observing lists from experienced amateur astronomers. A "tour mode" that guides you through objects in each list!
11) An improved deep sky database with Abell and Hickson galaxy clusters, and globular clusters in M 31.
12) Galaxy View shows the position of deep sky objects in our Milky Way!
13) A handy Digitized Sky Survey viewer that lets you download images from the DSS!
14) Improved multi-star alignment for telescopes with digital setting circles. Add Barlows and Focal Reducers to your equipment list!
19 dicembre 2016
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
4.0 o versioni successive
- Copiare la cartella 'com.simulationcurriculum.skysafari5pro' nella posizione 'Android/obb/'
- Installare il file APK ed uscire senza avviare
- Avviare l'app dall'icona
- Enjoy!
Credit: ringrazio DFoX per la cortesia e la disponibilità dimostrata
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